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Through the month of July, we’re reading the book of Proverbs together at Chapelhill Church. Our aim, as a body of believers is to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did! There’s no better place to begin than a daily practice of reading the scriptures and allowing them to come alive in us one day at a time. We encourage you to spend time each day allowing the following prompts to guide your time.
Start your time in scripture by putting away your devices and quieting distractions. Take a few minutes to sit quietly before you begin reading scripture (try starting with two minutes and building to 5 minutes over the course of the month). Focus your heart, thoughts, and even your breath on simply being with Jesus. If you find your mind drifting, try refocusing with a simple breath prayer: “Come Holy Spirit.”
Read through the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to the calendar date in July. Pause, and then reread the passage again slowly. As you read, listen to God’s word speaking to you. Jot down in your journal what stands out most to you in the text.
One of the most common ways that we hear God’s voice is through His Word! Psalm 1 encourages us to meditate on God’s Word! You can do this with your Proverb of the day by journaling through questions like: Where does this intersect with my current life and circumstances? What might God want me to know about himself, myself, or others in my life? Is God revealing a lie or truth he wants me to notice and respond to? What else might God be saying to me?
Can you name and write down how God might want you to carry what he’s saying to you into your day? What truth do you need to hold onto today? How is the spirit inviting you to change through this passage? Write down how you are going to apply this truth practically today.
Finally, write a prayer, committing yourself to what God has been revealing to you and how you want to be transformed by him and his truth.